Our floors are designed to last a lifetime
Since 1999, we have been providing great flooring solutions and customer service for homeowners and commercial clients. among flooring materials, none is more elegant and luxurious than natural stone.
What We do
We combine Interior and Exterior Design services and often provide them as a single solution. It helps us...
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Landscape plans for drainage problems may also entail planting beds away from the home’s foundation.
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We offer comprehensive Architectural Engineering Services including Interior design, Master planning...
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We provide a range of architectural 3D modeling services to our customers to aid the design, planning...
Read MoreInterior Planning
Project management is the process by which our team plans and executes your project. We will develop...
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Our team also provides consultations on all architectural issues, even if you need specific info about working...
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Male prostore puno je teže urediti i opremiti, posebno kada je riječ o kupaonicama. Kada, perilica veša, lavabo i umivaonik samo su neke od fiksnih stvari koje treba ugurati u nekoliko kvadrata. No uz pomoć nekoliko korisnih savjeta i vaš prostor može biti moderan, lijep i funkcionalan. Kupaonice mogu biti manje kvadrature, a da im ne […]
Poslovni prostor
Opremanje poslovnih prostora zahtjevan je i kompleksan dio u vidu poslovanja svake firme. Dobro je znano da prostor u kojem boravimo veći dio dana formira našu osobnost i utječe na naše ponašanje. Stoga poticajno radno okruženje uveliko doprinosi našem psihičkom zdravlju i najbitnije, radnoj kreativnosti, efikasnosti i motivaciji. Radna atmosfera u vašoj kancelariji nekancelarijskog namještaja.
Kako volimo miris novih početaka! Mnogi će se već početkom godine ohrabriti i krenuti s promjenama – tako će neki kupiti stan, drugi će iznajmiti novi, a treći će poželjeti promjenu u vlastitoj kući/stanu. Imamo nekoliko super savjeta prije nego li krenete… Metar je vaš saveznik! Ukoliko mijenjate namještaj ili želite razmjestiti postojeće komade u […]
Kuća – Rezidencija
Novi trendovi se javljaju kao reakcija na savremeni način života, tako da se i vizija moderne kuće neprestano mijenja. Savremeni način života ostavlja sve manje vremena za porodicu, slobodnog vremena za uživanje u druženju s prijateljima i malim stvarima koje nas opuštaju. Napredna tehnologija omogućila nam je mnoge prednosti, ali je za posljedicu donijela i […]
Our Experts
- 28 jan
- By admin
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Rosalina D. William
Amazing fast and reliable customer support! The team of willing to go mile for customer service! Thanks!
Mitchal Jhon
Great theme, just what we were looking for. Easy to install, easy to navigate. Well documented. Really enjoyed the support.
Barney Smith
Amazing fast and reliable customer support! The team of willing to go mile for customer service! Thanks!
Rosalina D. William
Great theme, just what we were looking for. Easy to install, easy to navigate. Well documented. Really enjoyed the support.
Mitchal Jhon
Amazing fast and reliable customer support! The team of willing to go mile for customer service! Thanks!